The default size for 7” props today is 2806.5. This motor is 10.7% wider, 22.6% larger by volume and 7 grams heavier than the Brother Hobby 2806.5. It has a larger 13mm bearing and has been constructed with top shelf parts. Compared to 2806.5 or any smaller size, this motor will feel better in the air with improved attitude hold, control execution and throttle management. Because it is a bigger motor, it does have the ability to draw more amps but if flown in the same manner as the smaller motor, it will be more efficient.
It is recommended to use the highest C rated batteries of any given brand in 1800-2700mah 6S with the smaller 1800mah cell to be used for sport flying. An 1800mah 6S in high C will be able to just about supply the amps needed for a medium load 7” prop. The Kv of this motor was chosen for a balance of performance and power draw on 6S 7” for that given battery size range. 8S is suitable on 7” props if you’re looking for more power. There are no 7” props we actually like as of Nov 2020. We are working on a prop that should be here soon.
After so much testing, we started to develop our own ways to plan motor designs. Two important metrics are stator volume and stator surface area. If the ratio of these two numbers are off, you either get a reliable but poor performing hot motor or an unreliable motor that’s risky to fly. This motor leans towards the reliability side because it’s intended for higher value crafts flying in more critical conditions. The motor has similar ratios as a 2207 and based on our tests and predictions, should have reliability similar to that of a 2207 size motor on 5”.
If using in quad configuration, aim for an AUW of under 1.25kg for good performance. The golden weight is around 1kg however this is a bit difficult to reach given the weight of the battery and your likely desire for a GoPro on board. Performance begins to suffer a lot more past 1.3kg but 7" props are much more lenient to weight than any size smaller. If using in an X8 configuration, you already know what you're doing so we don't need to offer any advice here...
Motor sizes for a given prop have been arbitrarily chosen and somewhat tested since the inception of FPV quads. The default motors of today are the result of every manufacturer copying another manufacturer that got the idea or design from someone in our community. The only way to actually know how a motor will perform is to spend the money to make various versions so you can test them in the real world with real props and real batteries. We have actually spent the time and money to do this and will attempt to at least obscure the size so that it takes a bit longer for other manufacturers to copy us. That is why this is called ‘The 30mm motor’. The size of this motor is 6213/2. There are an unlimited number of ways and sizes to make a motor. The manufacturers that steal details and make a ‘me too’ motor to capitalize on someone else's work hurt the industry and make it very difficult to spend money on any amount of R&D. We do not gouge our customers with pricing. We genuinely strive to produce the best products we can and offer them for the lowest reasonable price we can.
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