The INAV capable Matek F411-Wing is a smaller version of the 405-Wing Flight Controller. Even though it's smaller, doesn't mean it skimps on features. It comes equipped with many of the essential features found on the full-size version such as multiple BECs, a current sensor, OSD, Barometer, and an MPU6000 IMU.
The small size (28 x 41mm) means it can fit on almost any size of aircraft. This FC is perfect for smaller sized fixed-wing aircraft that are tight on space.
Differences between the 405-Wing and 411-Wing
Features the 411 is missing compared to the 405
- Blackbox Logging
- No 12V BEC for FPV gear
- No RSSI input
- Lower current 5V BEC at 3A (F405 wing has 5A BEC)
- 2 UARTS (F405 wing has 6)
- 1 I2C (F405 wing has 2)
- Smaller current sensor (78A vs 104A)
- Lower current 3.3V BEC at 200mA (F405 wing has 300mA)
- MCU: 100MHz STM32F411
- IMU: MPU6000 accelerometer/gyro (SPI)
- Baro: BMP280 (I2C)
- OSD: INAV OSD w/ AT7456E chip
- Blackbox: No
- VCP & 2x UARTs
- 2x Motors, 5x Servos outputs
- 1x I2C
- 3x LEDs for FC STATUS (Blue, Red) and 3.3V indicator(Red)
- Built-in inverter for SBUS input (UART1-RX)
- SoftSerial_Tx1: ST1 pad by default
- PPM: ST1 pad with softserial disabled
- Battery Voltage Sensor: 1:10 (Scale 1100)
- WS2812 Led Strip : Yes
- Beeper : Yes
- RSSI: No
- FC Firmware
INAV Flight
- Input voltage range: 6.5~30V (2~6S LiPo) w/TVS protection
- 2x ESC power pads
- Current Senor: 78A, 3.3V ADC, Scale 423
BEC 5V output
- Designed for Flight controller, Receiver, OSD, Camera, Buzzer, 2812 LED_Strip, Buzzer, GPS module, AirSpeed
- Continuous current: 2 Amps
BEC Vx output
- Designed for Servos
- Voltage adjustable, 5V Default, 6V via jumper
- Continuous current: 3 Amps
BEC 3.3V output
- Designed for Baro / Compass module/ OLED and Spektrum RX
- Linear Regulator
- Continuous current: 200mA
- Mounting: 24 x 24mm, Φ2mm
- Dimensions: 41 x 28 x 10mm
- Weight: 7g (Total 12g w/ bottom plate and M2 standoffs)
Resources and Downloads