All New V2 All in one flight controller / Osd and PDB
Whats on the Board:
Flip 32 Acro - same features as the naze32 F1 chip - cleanflight 1.11 pre loaded
Built in Minim Osd Pre configred MWOSD
Built in Bec 5v 3A
Built in PDB - connect your esc's and battery directly
Current/ Voltage Sensor to monitor current draw and battery voltage Displayed graphicaly on the OSD
This is the latest version of the board with all the bugs worked out.
What are the switches for ?
One of the limitations of the Flip / Naze32 is that the USB port and the communication port for the OSD share the same UART - the switches route the communication channels for you.
USB > Flight controller
USB > MinimOSD
Flight Controller > OSD
Once you have configured the initial setup in your Multirotor you can do all the tuning and configuration and PID adjustment via the on screen Gui that the minimosd provides you no longer need to bring your laptop to the field to tune your copter.
STM103 MCU runs Cleanflight firmware
8PWM output, supports Octocopter
Only 35x35mm, mount holes 30x30mm
Onboard USB (for config the OSD and FC)
incl. 5V 3A UBEC (2-6S)
incl. complete OSD hardware, Compatible with MinimOSD/MWOSD/CC3D OSD
incl. one small PDB
incl. Current and Voltage sensors
Package incl.:
PPM input cable / PWM output cable
4pin SH1.0 to 2.54 DuPont Cable
6pin SH1.0 to 2.54 DuPont Cable
Spektrum Satellite receiver Cable