205mm True X-Frame made of HDPE plastic offers the builder various options of component layout, the HDPE offers protection of vital electronic Components. This Durable frame will not let you down when it matters. And with the new colour scheme, Carbon Fibre Plates and 3D printed accossories this frame can be customised and refined down in weight to around the 100g mark making it a real contender in the race and freestyle scene.
This frame is designed for 5" props and upto 22 size motors
RaGG-e WBX5 FPV Quadcopter Frame Specifications:
Materials: 12.7 HDPE
Fasteners: Stainless Steel
Size:205mm diagonally, 145mm wide
Maximum Propeller: 5"
Motor Mount: M3 6mm
Flight Controller Mount: Kiss, Naze or CC3D
Main Frame.......................................82g
Top Plate............................................17g
Cam Gaurds.......................................12g
Spacer Module.....................................8g
Bottom Plate......................................15g
12No. Screws.....................................10g
35mm Standoffs...................................5g
25mm Standoffs...................................3g
Total Weight....................................152g

Thingiverse 3d links to customize your Ragg-e