ZMR PDB Advanced Edition

ZMR PDB Advanced Edition

  Features: 4 layer PDB Support socket install of Naze32 / CC3D / Lazybee32 (other flight controllers...
Vendor: BUZZ
Availability: In Stock
Subtotal: $16.01
ZMR PDB Advanced Edition

ZMR PDB Advanced Edition


ZMR PDB Advanced Edition



4 layer PDB
Support socket install of Naze32 / CC3D / Lazybee32 (other flight controllers supported - just not using socket)
All Naze32 pins are broken out for easy connection -  vbatt, telemetry, buzzer
Easy VTX and camera install
Built in buzzer
 led system
Power filter for clean FPV up to 4s
Pre soldered 12v and 5v Bec
Breakout pins for sonar or cleanflight led's
Easy ESC soldering connections - both top and bottom options


Update: To bring 5v to the naze board you will need to bridge the cc3d positive rail all across.
this applies to the PDB when using opto ESC's that are not feeding 5V to your flight controller.
solder a wire between the two end holes on the positive rail - either on top or under the board


Advanced option includes:
Advanced ZMR PDB
All socket headers for easy connection
Standoffs for flight controller
12v and 5v Bec - pre soldered


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