ZMR Deluxe Edition
Bec's Require soldering
We suggest you solder the 5v Bec via wires to give it more flex at the centre of the board in an impact.
4 layer PDB
Support for Micro Minim OSD via socket install - can be removed in seconds
ALL OSD features supported via breakout pins (rssi/current/batt2)
Support socket install of Naze32 / CC3D / Lazybee32 (other flight controllers supported - just not using socket)
All Naze32 pins are broken out for easy connection - vbatt, telemetry, buzzer
Easy VTX and camera install
Built in buzzer
Switched led system
Power filter for clean FPV up to 4s
Included 12v and 5v Bec - (Soldering required)
Breakout pins for sonar or cleanflight led's
Easy ESC soldering connections - both top and bottom options
Deluxe option includes:
Deluxe ZMR PDB
All socket headers for easy connection
Standoffs for flight controller
12v and 5v Bec - pre soldered
The micro minimosd is not included but available as an option
Shown with Lazybee 32 acro and Micro Minim OSD - not included
this setup is shown ising the included sockets, but for a minimist build you can solder the naze in directly.
How clean is this build going to be : )
the sockets act like a speaker box
Looks hard to solder up the minimum to suit but actually quite easy
first solder up the socket on the pdb then the pass through pins on the minim
then insert the minim in the socket and then all the included right angle pins with the minim to hold them in place to solder.
Thread on Rc groups with lots of info
Choose from one of 3 different PDB's for the ZMR